Es 28

ES - Session 28
Last we left our ever-diminishing team, Erlinj managed to just calm down an overeager Rena who caused ruckus because they were taking too long. The day after that… They plan on going to the Gerin Graveyard, to seek out information
Exxan is now back into flight shape, however, that is as far as his different modules go. Not much left at all, may of them are still under repair, specially his combat modules who suffered extensive damage
[OOC] JayM: Feel free to chat a bit before you board
RenaRaveneos: "You sure you're going to be okay, Exxan?"
Exxan: "I'm alright, don't worry. Can't let some damage keep you down"
[OOC] JayM: Seeing that there isn't much chat to be had
RenaRaveneos: "Well, it looks like they are still working on soem of your parts…"
Exxan: "Well, I can't go underwater, and I can't fight for now. But I doubt i'll need either of those"
RenaRaveneos: "We'll try to avoid either of those."
RSL-4N: "Agreement. Function can wait until capacity restored."
RSL-4N has finished sharing the recorded intel - probably half the base, at least, knows about Lord Valefor by now.
Eventually, you all board Exxan and he makes his way to the graveyard. As he warns you, air travel, specially without his guns, is extremely dangerous in the skies of Silturn, so he'll be forced to use his Doomtrain form. Eventually, you reach the Gerin station, where that same Phantom from before who spent time with Exxan is the first to welcome you all
JayM: Feel free to start your search
RenaRaveneos: "Um, Where do the oldest Phantoms hang out?"
Exxan: "i BeLIevE iN THe gRAveS IN THe CENtEr"
RSL-4N heads in that direction, then
The place is silent… And creepy. There is not a single soul to be seen, graves with names faded long ago by time, simple, and damaged
RSL-4N: "Units with information about recently acquired topics."
RSL-4N immediately looks over the damaged graves, seeing if there are some repairs he can make.
[OOC] JayM: Erm… BRB, Bathroom
The graves have broken by some force, and then decay has compounded on them, those stone slabs can't be fixed anymore
RenaRaveneos: "I wonder if these are just normal graves…"
This special part of the graveyard seems a lot more scarier than the rest. The graves are nameless and in disrepair, the silence here is as if a fog had fallen blocking all sounds. There is some omnious presence that makes it feel like somebody is breathing in your neck, yet, nobody is there
RenaRaveneos: "…Hey, RSL, what happens to the dead of your species?"
RSL-4N sets the pieces in a configuration resembling how they were supposed to look, and tries gluing them back together.
RSL-4N: "Units at end of lifespan cease to exist."
As RSL touches one of the pieces, a ghostly image appears in front of him //"No…"
RSL-4N: "Backup precautions are…"
RSL-4N stops what he is doing.
RSL-4N: "Does unit object to repairs?"
RenaRaveneos: "Huh, I wonde rif that's how it is for humans…"
she turns to look at RSL. "Who are you talking to?"
This ghost is dressed in rich clothes, clearly masculine. His face is obscured by his hood but that aside you can see that it is wearing some kind of heavy armor, it also carries a spear in it's back. What is strange, as nearly no Phantom you've seen up to now carried gear, though it is not impossible, just a rarity "Yes…"
The ghost is translucent, but clearly visible for Rena and Erlinj
RSL-4N lets the grave pieces go. "Ceasing repairs."
Erlinj sin't actually there, he's still bak with Exxan. <_<
RSL-4N stands back up.
RenaRaveneos walks over to him. "Um, would you mind if we asked you about yourself?"
Phantom: "Ask…"
RenaRaveneos: "Well, what's your name?"
Phantom: "… Blaze.. Will do…"
RenaRaveneos nods. "Okay, Mr. Blaze, Um, who were you…before you were a Phantom?"
Blaze: "War… Long ago… The rolling plains… Clear sky… Regret…"
RenaRaveneos: "A war? Can you tell me about it?"
Blaze: "Four kingdoms… Hunger for power… One great, three weak… Power union… Turnover and regret… Sadness…"
RenaRaveneos: "…Do you know someone named Tiamat?"
Blaze: "… The Dragon Queen… Legends, long lost… Sealed away by her brother… Bahamut… Dark and emotionless… To summon her, we tried… Failure, lies… How I ended up here…"
RenaRaveneos: "Hrm, He's after her time…but defiently related… Wait… Her brother? Isn't she the Mother of all the Aeon Lords though?"
Blaze: "Legends… All lies"
Blaze: "Power… Reality"
RenaRaveneos: "Wait, What is the Truth?"
[OOC] Remora: Got enough ellipses, there, chief?
[OOC] RSL-4N: Maybe…maybe not…
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: How else does one represent talking like Shatner?
Blaze: "Never knew… Others… May…"
RenaRaveneos: "Are they here as well?"
[OOC] JayM: Phantoms speak in horrendouly broken sentences, there are never enough elipses!
[OOC] JadeNSC: Just a period after every word. >.> "There's. Something. Something on. The wing. Something on the wing!"
Blaze: "Yes… Search… Call… Answer…"
RenaRaveneos looks at him confused. "Ah, huh…Wlel thanks…if you follow me to the store later I'll buy you…whatever it is you Phantoms eat."
Blaze slowly shakes his head… And vanishes
JayM: //I will… Ask for an actual skill check here. The information you get will depend on an Inquiry check

JayM: You can take your time, a whole day, for +10, two days will net you a whopping +30
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: well, I have 100 inquiry
JayM: What, is basically perfect, but the degree of success dictates the data earned
JayM: So a success by 1 is one thing, by 99 is another
JayM: So a roll just to determine margin of success
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: so, how long ya guys wanna take?
[OOC] RSL-4N: You're the lead. RSL will help as best he can, taking cue from Rena on this.
[OOC] RSL-4N: Including letting her decide.
[OOC] RSL-4N: On that note - can RSL try a roll to assist?
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: Well, might as well for got the 2 days then.
RenaRaveneos rolled 1d100 and got 39 for a total of 39
[OOC] RSL-4N: J?
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: so success by 91
[OOC] JayM: Sorry >_O
[OOC] JayM: I, hum… Was dragged to watch something about a transsexual corporal
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: …lol your family is weird….
[OOC] JayM: No, my mother is
[OOC] RSL-4N: Dunno if that's family or duty.
[OOC] Erlinj: "lol brazil". Anyways. <_<
[OOC] RSL-4N: Anyway - can RSL roll to assist? Though, with 91-by success, it probably won't help much.
[OOC] JayM: He can try, let's see
RSL-4N rolled 1d100 and got 28 ( Total: 28 ) **
[OOC] JayM: We'll add your margin to hers
[OOC] RSL-4N: 28/32 - pass by 4
Rena can discover just who might know. While all of those graves in the center date from Tiamat's time or the century after her, they all come from other worlds… However, three of those graves are from the same world as Tiamat and, even, one of them is supposedly older… That of Lord Phantom, who does not appears to be there right now
The other two graves aren't related to Lord Phantom's grave, however
RenaRaveneos approaches one of the graves and looks over the stone wondering how to go about this…
[OOC] JayM: Also, am eating at keyboard, may be slow
RenaRaveneos: "Um, Hello Mr…. "// she looks for a name on the stone.
The name is long since faded eternally
RSL-4N scans for any sort of presence
JayM: //It is there… But must be asleep

RenaRaveneos tries knocking on the stone, like a door. //"Hello…?"
RSL-4N analyzes the readings, trying to determine what it might react to - what might wake it up
A translucent image of a man wearing simple black robes appears. The only distinguishing feature of the robes it's a type of mandala sewn in the back of his robes. Obviously his face is covered "Yes…"
RenaRaveneos: "Oh, hello, sir. I was wondering if we might be able to talk to you about Tiamat…"
Phantom: "Ask…"
RenaRaveneos: "Well… What was it she did for this world? What happened that caused her to have to do that?"
Phatom: "Tiamat… Tiamat…"
he looks down, and then stares straight forward "Tiamat. She created Etherside, for her children to live on, having realized she fated them all to eternal slavery""
RenaRaveneos: "…But…Wasn't she just a normal woman before? What happened?"
Phantom: "War happened. Two great kingdoms, striving to conquer the world, started trampling smaller ones. I am yet to know how she changed so much… A young farmer's daughter, afraid of her own shadow whose greatest dream was to marry a rich man and live an easy life"
Phantom: "One day, everything changes. She shows interest in magic, she studies, and soon our little hamlet had turned into the most feared fortress of the world. Merely by her presence"
RenaRaveneos looks like she got punched in the stomach. "I see…"
Phantom: "But even we did not last long. We needed weapons, strong enough to vanquish armies. That is when she discovers the Spell of Genesis, a secret passed down in her family. With that, she creates the first Espers, first her eldest son, who earlier had joined one of the great kingdoms to see a way to prove himself, the one known as King of Raptors"
RSL-4N: "!"
RenaRaveneos: "Her son…Did he have a personal name?"
Phantom: "Then, after the Espers were created, she created us… Aeons… Copies, to form her armies. His name, was Valefor Arkais"
Phantom: "I remember him very well… He was unmatched, even as a human. Be it combat in the sky or in the ground, magic or muscles, he knew it all. Through the entire world it was known that when the King of Raptors flew, all below him would die"
RenaRaveneos: "Did he appear as a black Valefor?"
Phantom: "His wings were colorful like the rainbow, every color the eye could see, some say even more. Except, when facing the greatest enemies of his mother. Those are just legends, but they say they'd see his wings turn black as he rejoiced in the death cries of his enemies"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to designation of other child unit of unit Tiamat."
Phantom: "The younger kid… His name was Bahamut Arkais, but we all knew him as Boy Scout. He was just a kid, a teenager, and yet, his appeals to aid his family reached through to his mother, so she used him, as the recipient of the most powerful Spell of Genesis she ever mustered"
RenaRaveneos: "A Bahamut? Hrm, wonder what the red bird was…"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to companions of unit Boy Scout, in particular avian companions."
The Phantom removes his hood… You can see his face is actually that of a mild-mannered man, and seems slightly familiar "She remains by his side even now. Back then, she'd be afraid of any bird of prey, now, there is only one she fears"
Phantom: "Ever since then she had this gift, of surviving life-or-death situations by a hairs breadth… Bahamut named her Phoenix, all of his love for his little pet was what made the usage of the Spell of Genesis possible"
RSL-4N analyzes the face to see exactly how it is familiar - starting with similarities to Boy Scout, specifically seeing if the guy might be BS's father or other relative.
RenaRaveneos: "Is Tiamat suffering now?"
JayM: //Oh, how perceptive. That's most basically it

Phantom: "No… Or should say, she wasn't. She has been asleep for a long time, but cannot find true rest, not while she possesess her power, as she cannot allow anyone else to carry it"
RenaRaveneos: "I see… She's…She's tired then?"
RSL-4N points to Rena. //"Indications suggest unit Rena might be suitable carrier of unit Tiamat's power. Inquiry as to location of unit Tiamat."
He shakes his head "Yes, she is tired. But Tiamat, she is too kind, and does not wishes this burden given even to those worthy, she wishes none to suffer her accursed fate // //
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to optimal method of saving unit Tiamat."
Phantom: "She rests… No, I cannot speak it out loud… She rests, in the deepest of the azure ocean"
Phantom: "There is none, as you cannot save those who wish not to be saved. There is nothing to save her from, as she might one day awaken, if she decides there is still something to be awake for"
RenaRaveneos puts a hand to her mouth. "If she was freed of her burden, would she be able to fufill the dreams of her youth?"
RSL-4N: "Indications suggest dreams mostly fulfilled."
Phantom smiles "As much as she could… She already did. Even now, her actions are still too far-reaching… Many of her safeguards would require much work to be ammended to the lack of her presence"
Phantom: "But, maybe… If you could free us of this duty… We could enjoy, at last, our afterlife together…"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to unit Blaze's part of duty."
RenaRaveneos: "I think he was after her time…but I might be wrong…"
RSL-4N: "Facial analysis suggests unit Blaze equal to co-creator of unit Tiamat's offspring units."
[OOC] JayM: Dude… You're… In another grave, not Blaze's >_O
[OOC] JayM: If, I did not make this one obvious
[OOC] RSL-4N: Err? Thought we were talking to Blaze.
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: no, new guy, lol
[OOC] JayM: No. If you notice when I described this guy, he wears completely different clothes
[OOC] RSL-4N: Ah. Replace "unit Blaze" with "current unit", then.
[OOC] RSL-4N: Different from…?
[OOC] RSL-4N: We haven't seen Blaze yet, have we?
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: we did he wore armor and stuff, this guy wears robes.
[OOC] JayM: Yes, he was wearing armor and carrying a spear on top of his robe, this one is a simple black robe with a mandala in the back
Phantom: "Yes, that's true. I am Phantom Arkais, Tiamat's husband. I watch after those who still wish to remain in Etherside even after their deaths, be it for love or hathred, but do not seek to harm others"
RenaRaveneos: "So not all Espers and Aeons turn into Phantoms?"
Phantom: "Only those who wish to remain"
RenaRaveneos: "Well, What happens to ones who want to remain but wish harm on others?"
Phantom: "There are… Other guardians. The Kendar Graveyard, the Medrid Magic Circle for the truly wicked"
RenaRaveneos: "Who lives there?"
Phantom: "The Lich and Anima and their kin"
RSL-4N points to the two other graves that turned up in their search. "Inquiry as to identity of other Phantom line units knowing Tiamat."
Phantom: "My first knights. The first Aeons of my kin"
RenaRaveneos: "oh..OH…Wait…If you're Phantom Arkais…and that one, the King of Raptors is Valefor Arkais and Boy Scout is Bahamut Arkais, how many others are in your family?"
Phantom: "Just us four, at least, blood related. But we all consider ourselves in the same family, for years we lived under the same roof"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to reason for recent rise in activity. Data suggests Etherside relatively peaceful for extended duration, until unit King of Raptors began taking action against Aeons."
RenaRaveneos: "Well, other than most of the Aeons being rather isolated from each other…"
Phantom: "That is what none of us know"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to identity of Arkais line homeworld. Further inquiry as to potential similarities with home world of unit Rena."
Phantom: "Hah… None. Our homeworld is very far from here, and you'd still be rebuilding from the destruction caused by Zodiark, even after milleniums… It is impossible she is from there"
RenaRaveneos: "How did that item end up in my world?"
RSL-4N: "…"
Phantoom: "It was tossed far never to be found again"
Phantom: "It was fate"
RenaRaveneos: "I see, then you are claiming it's just coinsidence I aquired it?"
RenaRaveneos: "…Fate…I see…"
RenaRaveneos: "I…"
Phantom: "Your fate lies in your hands"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry for unit Rena: if Zodiark present in unit Rena's homeland."
RenaRaveneos: "…I know… That just makes things harder though…"
Phantom: "No, Zodiark… It what we call when all of us, the first Espers, unite our powers against a single foe"
RenaRaveneos scratches her head. "Um, I don't think I rem—Ahh."
Phantom: "Once it tore an entire world in two, as it is, it shall never be used again"
RSL-4N: "Acknowledged. Seeking confirmation that said force not present in history or genesis of unit Rena's home territory."
RSL-4N: "If Zodiak force was present, many apparent coincidences not coincidence."
RenaRaveneos: "It's not familiar to me… but it's surely more than coincidence either way…"
[OOC] RSL-4N: Ah, well. So much for "Uhh, you didn't *actually* throw it that far." ^_^;
JayM: //In fact, Rena won't know anything about Zodiark

RenaRaveneos: "Is it possible for us to meet with Tiamat?"
Phantom shakes his head //"Sadly, no. You would have to find her, and awaken her. Sadly, I cannot reveal her location, as for he could hear"
RenaRaveneos nods. "But…could we seek her?"
Phantom: "Feel free"
RSL-4N loads up a map of Etherside and scans the oceanic locations for anything that might match "the deepest of the azure ocean".
JayM: //Hum… Roll me Nav

RenaRaveneos: "I mean…if we… I guess part of me would really like to talk with her…"
RSL-4N rolled 1d100 and got 61 ( Total: 61 )
[OOC] RSL-4N: 61/30
JayM: There are varyous trenches who could fir in that description
RSL-4N: "Seeking activity possible."
[OOC] RSL-4N: And in before "F' yeah seeking." :P
RenaRaveneos: "We'd need Exxan to be able to travel underwater…"
RSL-4N: "Completion of repairs prerequisite to seeking."
RSL-4N: "Or acquisition of alternate underwater transportation."
RenaRaveneos: "Well I'd feel safer if it was Exxan…"
RSL-4N: "Affirmative. Apparent odds of success higher."
RSL-4N: "Inquiry if further inquiry would be permissible should further questions arise."
RenaRaveneos: "I think he means can we come back if we need to comfirm anything."
Phantom: "Feel free… But my youngest son should be able to provide you with better answers"
RSL-4N: "Location of unit Bahamut Arkais variable and unknown. Location of unit Phantom Arkais nonvariable and known. Ease of inquiry compromised."
RSL-4N: "Additional data: unit Bahamut Arkais apparently being tracked. Change of location implemented to disrupt tracking."
Phantom: "We all are. We can sense it. That is why we need you more than ever"
RenaRaveneos: "How cna you tell?"
Phantom: "Time teaches you some things"
RenaRaveneos: "How much time do we have?"
Phantom: "Some time, but should he find Tiamat or the Lineage before their powers can be secured…"
RenaRaveneos: "Well, out of those two, one is worlds away, so I think I know what our objective should be."
RSL-4N: "Data not known. Lineage object possibly on or in unit Rena."
RenaRaveneos: "Arkais said I didn't have it….. and more he probably would have just taken it if I did."
RenaRaveneos: "Perhaps we should head back to the society for now, so Exxan cna be repaired and maybe you cna consult with the others to try to narrow down the possible locations."
RSL-4N: "Affirmative."
RSL-4N nods to Phantom Arkais. //"Appreciation of assistance rendered."
RenaRaveneos nods to him as well. "Thanks, I think things are starting to make more sense now."
Phantom nods to RSL
Phantom: "I am glad to have helped"
Exxan is still chilling in the station, Erlinj quite likely waiting for you there
Erlinj is there, yeah.
Erlinj might have witnessed… Exxan behaving like a homesick husband around that one phantom
RenaRaveneos starts back towards where Exxan is. "Um, Exxan…Where is the best Library not filled with people who'd try to kill or disect me?"
Exxan: "In thE EXeLlANCE AIrStriP"
RenaRaveneos: "Huh, It'd be hard for you to drop me off there though…"
Exxan: "No My fliGHt mODe iS oK"
RenaRaveneos: "Well you seemed to wnat to avoid it last time…"
RenaRaveneos: "Well, if it's okay could you drop me off there?"
Exxan: "I CaN"
RenaRaveneos nods. "Well, Exxan, how long will your repairs take?"
Exxan: "NeaRLy a mONth"
RenaRaveneos nods and looks to RSL. "Do you think you cna figure out where we need to go by then?"
RSL-4N: "Range of possibilities can be narrowed down. Unknown at this time if elimination of all but one location possible."
Erlinj would say something, if he hadn't been activly trying to be less of a jerk. >_>
RenaRaveneos: "Well, that will have to do… I want to look into a few things myself in that time as well.. We should get moving then."
RSL-4N: "Affirmative."
Exxan: "WheRE tO nOw?"
RSL-4N: "Present destination equals Excellance Airstrip."
RenaRaveneos: "Well, I'd like to go to the Exeliance Airstrip so I can work in the Library…I think RSL needs to head back to the Society before he does anything else…"
Exxan: "BacK HOMe FirST, clOsEr"
[OOC] JayM: Alright… Let's skip the boring parts. What are the plans for each of you?
[OOC] JayM: Minimum of one month until all of Exxan's repairs are done
[OOC] RSL-4N: First priority: narrow down the range of locations.
[OOC] RSL-4N: But if it's also taking a month - RSL may look into trying to pick up some new skills too.
[OOC] JayM: Right. What are you looking for specifically?
[OOC] RSL-4N: Which one's the deep*est*, areas which are generally off-limits even to deep-ocean-diving Aeons, and in general good places to hide.
[OOC] JayM: I see… It will require extensive usage of Nav. Given the resources of the Cerulean Society… A +20 to your checks
[OOC] JayM: Roll to me until a success… Each roll is worth a week
RSL-4N rolled 1d100 and got 78 ( Total: 78 )
RSL-4N rolled 1d100 and got 57 ( Total: 57 )
RSL-4N rolled 1d100 and got 82 ( Total: 82 )
RSL-4N rolled 1d100 and got 8 ( Total: 8 )
[OOC] RSL-4N: So…it takes 4 weeks.
[OOC] RSL-4N: Eh. If that's what it takes, that's what it takes.
[OOC] RSL-4N: Leaves a month for others to do what they will.
Within three weeks, RSL will come up with the location of every last trench of Etherside… Except… By then he notices something. The island the Cerulean Society is set on appear to be on top of a great cylindric mountain in the middle of the sea, this is very obscure knowledge. While the 'pillar' that holds the Cerulean's island is far from reaching the deepest trenches… There is a nagging suspicious about this oddness. That side, the deepest trench of Etherside is just north of sapureth
JayM cuts one week for the crit
JayM: //Now on for Rena

JayM: Plans?
RenaRaveneos: LOtsa research-y type stuffs.
JayM: Well, I need some precision
RenaRaveneos: Yeah… well, first learning Etherian, which she can do through research.
JayM: Then… Give me the roll, money, and how long it takes
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: learned, I'll do it in 2 days, mso -20, 80 CoS
RenaRaveneos rolled 1d100 and got 60 for a total of 60
JayM: So in two days Rena can now understand Etherean
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: kinda she's get a 20 in it.=`>.<=‘`
[OOC] RSL-4N: Better than what she had.
JayM: Next up?
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: Well, I’d like her to know Smooth Talk and Ettiquette, 2 days each, 100 CoS
RenaRaveneos rolled 2d100 and got 79, 5 for a total of 84
[OOC] RSL-4N: Smooth Talk is a skill now?
[OOC] Erlinj: yes.
JayM: So, three days
[OOC] JayM: Replaces Seduction
JayM: What… Amuses me
[OOC] Erlinj: And Seduction is on longer one.
[OOC] RSL-4N: Ah.
JayM: Now, what next?
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: I think I'll do a 2 days for Leadership
RenaRaveneos rolled 1d100 and got 25 for a total of 25
JayM: That's a total pass
JayM: Three… Four… Five… Six… Seven days total
JayM: A week
JayM: Hum… People done?
She'd then get into the real research, she'd be trying to find out as much about Aeon, The Spell of Genesis, Tiamat, the Lineage, magic, what exactly all that means for her personally and such, especially about anything that would be useful to her when she'd inevitably have to face Valefeor Arkias agian(more))
[OOC] RSL-4N: RSL is doing something for those three weeks. So until the other PCs catch up…
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: Well basically that type of stuff, a lore or two out of that might be nice for soemthing to spend Lore/Language points on
[OOC] Erlinj: I have no idea what I'm doing, and will figure it out later. I'm not sure I can actually do anythign I want to due to avail, though. -_-
JayM: Hum… For one, pick up Lore(Magic - Strenghten) and you've got Magic and the Spell of Genesis covered in a lore. Then, you'll roll me both that lore and Inquiry with a bonus set ofr the time you've got left
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: okay.
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: 2 days for the lore 80 CoS
RenaRaveneos rolled 1d100 and got 90 for a total of 90
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: ha.
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: 2 more days.=`>_<=‘`
RenaRaveneos rolled 1d100 and got 54 for a total of 54
JayM: four days
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: and now the Lore (20 CoS) and Inquiry (100 CoS)
RenaRaveneos rolled 2d100 and got 34, 80 for a total of 114**
JayM: A… +19 bonus
JayM: So oddly enough, a pass
JayM: On both
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: awesome, heh.
Rena… Can’t find much exactly about the Spell of Genesis, however, she feels… Something, guiding her in the proper direction. The Spell of Genesis, it is a sacrifice, to give away part of your own soul to enslave enother to your will. Also, about it bringing out the power of meaning that the recipient has
Tiamat, you find many legends you discovered to already be false, however, from points in common about them you can see a few things: For one, as time passed, Tiamat grew colder and colder, forgetting her emotions as more Espers were created by her, until one final day where everything came back to her, being the same day she turned herself into an Esper, a two-headed black dragon with six feathered wings. Soon after, was the creation of Ether side
JayM: As a note, none of this information is WRITTEN anywhere, but must be guessed out from indirect sources
Tiamat, however, after a long time overseeing Etherside, grew tired, and required rest. While she wanted eternal rest, she knew she could not, so she confined her potential into a staff, to whom she'd give to a worthy individual to maintain the link of all of her children to her so she could maintain their existance. However, her power still remains in her body. That is the Lineage. However, the passage of the Lineage is a matter of importance, not of object, so any object can be he Lineage, as long as it is passed as an important heritage
About Valefor Arkais… One thing you can easely discover is that all Aeon Lords are afraid of him, utterly afraid, and it is said he could alone defeat all of them at once. He is unmatched, a perfect existance, or so they claim
Apparently, you have inherited the Lineage's
Apparently, you have inherited the Lineage's 'potential', that is, what greatly boosted Tiamat's power, but not Tiamat's power itself. It is slowly changing your very soul, a change that cannot be reversed, but not nescessarily bad, it is just different. Soon enough, you will turn into an Esper yourself, however, different from all other Espers and Aeons whose existances are tied to others, you will be independant, like Tiamat
JayM: That is about all you can make out
RenaRaveneos rubs her head. //"…I see…I better report back to the others."
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: She is she picked up or does she need to send a message to the others?
[OOC] JayM: She's picked up
[OOC] JayM: Exxan's a bit twitchy and paranoid when around the Airstrip, but nothing happens
RenaRaveneos: "So, I think I understand things better. You know how we were told Tiamat was…well a human, but she appears as a dragon in all the legends?"
RenaRaveneos: "It seems she was orginally human…I think but she turned herself into a esper before creating etherside.."
RenaRaveneos: "It seems that being in possession of the Lineage…which I'm still not sure of how that happened myself, I am slowly being turned into a…well the easiest word is 'Esper' though different in that I'm not tied to the exsistance of any other… I also learned the Valefor Arkais is considered the most power of all espers or Aeons…"
RSL-4N: "Unit Rena acquiring properties similar to unit RSL."
RenaRaveneos laughs a little. "Yeah kinda, I think. I think I understand why Valefor Arkais is doing this now."
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to reason."
RenaRaveneos: "Well first off, the Spell of Genesis, in addition to making Aeons, can also make Espers from mortals… Now, Tiamat orginally was using the spell the same way, and she's described as becoming colder and colder as she does forgetting her emotions. I think that same thing has happened to Valefeor Arkias, he's lost his soul to the Spell of Genesis…Now it describes Tiamat as gaining them all back one day…I don't know what happened tho
RenaRaveneos: "Whenever we've seen the Raptors who are espers but didn't realize it? They were made that way by Valefor Arkais using the Spell of Genesis."
RSL-4N: "Extra reason to seek Tiamat acquired."
RenaRaveneos: "Yeah. Somehow I doubt Erlinj will be much inclined towards helping save his soul or what not…but given what I learned, that suppsoively Valefor Arkais could defeat even all the Aeon Lords rallied agianst him…I'd rather not have to fight that…"
RSL-4N: "Fight via alternate means. If reprogramming possible, and physical superiority impossible, then reprogramming equals optimal solution."
RenaRaveneos nods. "Yeah…How much were you bale to narrow down the location of Tiamat?"
RSL-4N: "Highest probability assigned to two locations."
RSL-4N brings up a map and points. "Secondary target is literal deepest point in Etherside oceans."
RSL-4N: "Suggested primary target is beneath Cerulean island."
RenaRaveneos: "…Interesting."
RSL-4N: "Geological anomalies suggest unusual formation. Ease of investigation is primary justification for priority."
RenaRaveneos: "Yeah, defiently."
RSL-4N: "Inquiry of level of preparedness for obtaining power."
RenaRaveneos laughs a little. "Well, I'm not sure…"
RSL-4N: "{Is anyone ever ready to become a god?}"
RenaRaveneos: "Um, you said something about a god?"
RSL-4N: "…"
RSL-4N: "Inquiry as to whether unit Rena has acquired Ethersidian language."
RenaRaveneos: "A little bit, I figured it'd be useful for the research I was doing."
RSL-4N: "{Ah, dear Rena. I was hoping you'd pick it up.}"
RenaRaveneos: "Um, you said my name and…you want me to clean up soemthing?"
RSL-4N: "…"
RSL-4N …sighs? "Further practice at Ethersidian language required."//
RenaRaveneos: "I don't have much practice at spoken Ethersidian, well other than the little bit over time, I was mostly practcing with written Ethersidian."
[OOC] JayM: * Julian lets you people free RP now
[OOC] JayM: At any rate: Rewards are 30k Exp and 10k Gil. Also 1 KP for Rena
RSL-4N: "Affirmative. Unit RSL can provide practice as part of further study of language if desired."
[OOC] RSL-4N: And Search?
[OOC] JayM: Have, uhn… Hyper Potion
RenaRaveneos: "Well, let's focus on what's infront of us for now, We can kinda practice as we go…"
RSL-4N: "Agreed."
[OOC] RSL-4N: I think we're kinda done, actually.
[OOC] RenaRaveneos: Yeah, I think so as wlel, lol
[OOC] JayM: Good

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