
Breakarts are a strange new type of technique that relies on the existance of various Essences. Those Essences are manipulated like magical energy. When essences are Connected but without Fusing, they react with eachother and the space inbetween can be utilized to generate energy and other effects, this is called Resonance.
Essences appear to have very little differences between eachother, but there are also broader cathegories of essences which have very massive differences between them. 'Human' and 'Aeon' are the two known broader categories.
To perform Breakarts one must utilize a diagram formed of a base geometrical figure with a complex diagram under it. The base diagram under the geometrical figure will always be the same but the geometrical figures can differ. There are some known figures:

  • Trigram: Tri-sided figure, a triangle. Smallest figure possible to use with Breakarts, it signifies perfect fusion
  • Quadragram: Four-sided figure, a square. A lesser figure, it signifies defense
  • Pentagram: Five-sided figure, a star. Another very powerful figure, it signifies perfect dissonance

Essence: The life-force of a person. To completely extract the Essence of a person would kill it, however, one can utilize a person's Essence harmlessly in breakarts if this person is nearby and the diagram is correctly made. Also, objects of great importance to a person acquire a piece of their essence over time, which causes no harm in bring removed from their person. Some people have far more powerful essences than others.
Connected: Being connected to the Breakart Diagram by having in it's possession a properly-made charm, which is basically a copy of the main diagram.
Resonating: When Essences are Connected via the diagram and interacting with each other it leads to a resonance effect, which is the very core of Breakarts.
Fused: It seems to be possible for essences to fuse into one.

=Diagram Components=
The Breakart Diagram the party possesses. They currently have the following Essences available for use:

  1. Fusion - Galen's essence. Appears to have unique effects in whatever diagram it is used.
  2. Innocence - Saffron's essence. Essence full of innocence and happiness, it has the power to resist.
  3. Martyr - E.H.Shimberley's essence. Full of wisdom and care, it has the power to defend.
  4. Honor - Kaori's essence. Full of strength and righteousness, it has the power to judge and annihilate evil.
  5. Loneliness - Kashi's essence. Essence of voidness and isolation, it has the power to repel all.
  6. Resonance - Nathan's essence. Essence of echoes and synchrony, it brings the power of the stars.
  7. Need - Essence contained in the Feather of the Daughter. Traces of the needs of a young and weak Phoenix, it can focus energy.
  8. Nurture - Essence contained in the Black Feather. Traces of the overbearing care of a mother, it can boost energy.
  9. Gemni - Essence contained in the Butterfly Clip. Traces of union and fraternal love, it can adapt energy.

==Unavailable Components==

  1. Charm - Angela's essence. Charged with charisma, it has the power to convince.

The following are the Diagrams avaiable for use:

  1. Quadragram: It has lesser defensive powers
  2. Pentagram: The ultimate destroyer diagram, it has the power to utterly anihilate.
Need Martyr
Fusion Innocence

Withering Nightmare: Utilizing the power of the gaps between essences, the user fires an arrow of dull grey dust that pierces the opponent in the forehead or similar. Struck with a sense of hopelessness and regret of everything bad ever done the enemy is inflicted with Slow(4) and All Down(4). If the user is under Agility Up or Haste, it inflicts Stop(4). If the user is under any Up status it inflicts All Break. If the user is under any other positive status, the stautses are (U). Galen, Saffron and and Shimberley use M.Acc-50, M.Eva to cause this, Kaori has Dex, M.Eva CoS to work. If two characters spend their actions to use this, it auto-hits. If all four use this, it hits a group for the highest CoS of (M.Acc-50) or Dex of any PC.
This can only be used once per combat.

==Known Diagrams==
Innocence Martyr
Honor Fusion

Pain Split: Once per combat, this effect can be activated. It grants Pain Split(6) to a target. When that target takes damage, after (M.)Armor, it instantly heals half the damage, which is then also dealt to the attacker. This does not triggers if you die from the damage.
This effect is T: Single and only Saffron, Galen, Mai and Shimberley can utilize it. This action cannot be sealed

Innocence Martyr
Honor Charm

Grand Challange: It grants two characters the Decoy(6) status. Every turn all enemies will focus-fire on one character, and next turn focus-fire on the other, switching every turn. Foes will opt to use single-target moves, but will always use their move powerful moves. Can be cast by anyone in the party, using Grand Challenge while the Decoy status is still ongoing will dispel the previous status.

Fusion Martyr
Innocence Honor

Protector's Reflex: Once per combat any one in the party can grant Reflex(4) to the party. As long as a person under Reflex is target of something that may trigger a perty member's Reaction Ability, the person with the Reaction Ability may use it. Group Target abilities can cause multiple triggerings of the same reaction.
Ex: Enemy attacks Saffron who is in SoS, Kaori is at full health. Kaori may have her Meatbone Slash trigger.
Ex 2: Enemy makes a physical attack against a party member under Reflex. Shimberley can Counter that enemy.

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